Multiplier effect**
In the economics when we discuss about spending and savings an interesting effect of these comes out - namely "multiplier effect". This ensures that the effect of spending or saving gets multiplied many times so that its good and bad effects are also multiplied thereby ensuring progression of an economy. As we come to the end of 2006 and look back at the past probably this multiplier effect (henceforth designated as MF) is present everywhere in the society and like money multiplier, gets spread over the whole humanity.
As through the evolutions and revolutions we have progressed to a more modern and liberal society we have gained immense knowledge. This weapon, as gets spread has its own MF. It has multiplied the weight of educated society, the boisterous views on traditionalism, the division between the educated and the uneducated, the economy and above all the character and mind of the people living on earth.
Education, in most cases, brings money (there are exception, like India) and money brings contempt. The contempt multiplies in the society with the multiplication of money and education and helps in the division of humanity. Again this division has its own MF. Depending on which side of the battlefield you are fighting, your power of MF varies and also brings out its own characteristics as well as "moments of truth".
Liberalization has always been accompanied by its twin called democratic progression (India again was an exception till some time before, not now) and carried its own MF. With democracy came the power of majority, with majority came the scathing knowledge of deciding "in larger interest of humanity" and with this knowledge came the absolute adjudicating power of proclaiming who are "with us or against us". Like all other rules, this MF also has some exceptions but again that exception has its MF. The exception multiplied in numbers, in geography (as majority had to have a presence all over the globe) and widened its base to carry forward this tradition.
Religion, the biggest glue humanity has ever discovered, has its MF which is pronounced in every activity and belief worldwide.Every religion has its own pace of multiplying, multiplying the emergence of hard and soft liners, multiplying its presence in geography and thereby multiplying invasion. Invasion outclassed the natives, displaced and forced them to become invaders - thus creating a never ending circle of MF. This had an effect on history - invaders writing the history of the invaded land and producing only garbage for the future generation. This garbage of knowledge written by outsiders multiplied in creating numerous uprooted races who later created havoc by propagating the beneficial effects of their own society (which in first place was not theirs) which really speaking, never existed.
Law, the biggest messiah for the oppressed and distressed soul created the definition of lawful and unlawful cases. As time progressed, its MF was more pronounced in creating more unlawful society and once these people became majority then there was no stopping for them. Every flaw in the law created uproar in the enlightened society and multiplied it's effect in delivering innumerable historic judgements even before proofs were discussed in the court of law.Every thief created many more after being criticised by law, every scandal and scam became more popular after they came under scathing attack of law and one flawed law created many more - an extraordinary example of MF.
Last but not the least is the MF of a liberalised mind and soul. Every such soul gives rise to innumerable such others and a force to sustain this brute marching. As souls became more liberated they lacked humanity and power of rationality (quite natural as these poor souls have limited space for all these qualities and no wonder that liberty and education has taken the maximum leaving little for others) and one such fertile soul created many more. These mindless souls enjoy brutal deaths as well as holy wars, they conceptualize the downfall of someone and later desert them multiplying the number of such soul. Liberalized mind lacked tolerance and showed its MF in fragmented society (more known as nuclear family), a fragmented society created callous citizens and a self conscious social animal with an immense power of fertility.
Hence, the effect of those are what we are today and what we will create tommorrow.
In physics, we were taught that all matter always tries to be at its lowest state of energy and sociology later showed that the only exception of that rule is known as "Homo sapiens sapiens". Economics taught that multiplier effect is omnipresent and money market is probably the slowest example of that.However, there is only one fear lurking in the corner - called "conservation of mass". When the so called torch bearers of the MF crosses the critical mass, the atom bomb might explode any time, anywhere - wiping out the rest and spare a moment to think what lies ahead if conservation of mass" holds true.
Once more should physics lose to economics, but this time for the benefit of humanity and with a higher MF.
** The writer acknowledges the inspiration of this piece to a recent post in ibnlive blog.
As through the evolutions and revolutions we have progressed to a more modern and liberal society we have gained immense knowledge. This weapon, as gets spread has its own MF. It has multiplied the weight of educated society, the boisterous views on traditionalism, the division between the educated and the uneducated, the economy and above all the character and mind of the people living on earth.
Education, in most cases, brings money (there are exception, like India) and money brings contempt. The contempt multiplies in the society with the multiplication of money and education and helps in the division of humanity. Again this division has its own MF. Depending on which side of the battlefield you are fighting, your power of MF varies and also brings out its own characteristics as well as "moments of truth".
Liberalization has always been accompanied by its twin called democratic progression (India again was an exception till some time before, not now) and carried its own MF. With democracy came the power of majority, with majority came the scathing knowledge of deciding "in larger interest of humanity" and with this knowledge came the absolute adjudicating power of proclaiming who are "with us or against us". Like all other rules, this MF also has some exceptions but again that exception has its MF. The exception multiplied in numbers, in geography (as majority had to have a presence all over the globe) and widened its base to carry forward this tradition.
Religion, the biggest glue humanity has ever discovered, has its MF which is pronounced in every activity and belief worldwide.Every religion has its own pace of multiplying, multiplying the emergence of hard and soft liners, multiplying its presence in geography and thereby multiplying invasion. Invasion outclassed the natives, displaced and forced them to become invaders - thus creating a never ending circle of MF. This had an effect on history - invaders writing the history of the invaded land and producing only garbage for the future generation. This garbage of knowledge written by outsiders multiplied in creating numerous uprooted races who later created havoc by propagating the beneficial effects of their own society (which in first place was not theirs) which really speaking, never existed.
Law, the biggest messiah for the oppressed and distressed soul created the definition of lawful and unlawful cases. As time progressed, its MF was more pronounced in creating more unlawful society and once these people became majority then there was no stopping for them. Every flaw in the law created uproar in the enlightened society and multiplied it's effect in delivering innumerable historic judgements even before proofs were discussed in the court of law.Every thief created many more after being criticised by law, every scandal and scam became more popular after they came under scathing attack of law and one flawed law created many more - an extraordinary example of MF.
Last but not the least is the MF of a liberalised mind and soul. Every such soul gives rise to innumerable such others and a force to sustain this brute marching. As souls became more liberated they lacked humanity and power of rationality (quite natural as these poor souls have limited space for all these qualities and no wonder that liberty and education has taken the maximum leaving little for others) and one such fertile soul created many more. These mindless souls enjoy brutal deaths as well as holy wars, they conceptualize the downfall of someone and later desert them multiplying the number of such soul. Liberalized mind lacked tolerance and showed its MF in fragmented society (more known as nuclear family), a fragmented society created callous citizens and a self conscious social animal with an immense power of fertility.
Hence, the effect of those are what we are today and what we will create tommorrow.
In physics, we were taught that all matter always tries to be at its lowest state of energy and sociology later showed that the only exception of that rule is known as "Homo sapiens sapiens". Economics taught that multiplier effect is omnipresent and money market is probably the slowest example of that.However, there is only one fear lurking in the corner - called "conservation of mass". When the so called torch bearers of the MF crosses the critical mass, the atom bomb might explode any time, anywhere - wiping out the rest and spare a moment to think what lies ahead if conservation of mass" holds true.
Once more should physics lose to economics, but this time for the benefit of humanity and with a higher MF.
** The writer acknowledges the inspiration of this piece to a recent post in ibnlive blog.
Labels: Confused soul